
Showing posts from March, 2022

Top 5 Wind Mitigation Strategies

Wind mitigation techniques refers to ways of integrating measures into a home intended to provide protection against high winds such as those induced by a large storm or hurricane. Following are a few of the best wind mitigation techniques that may be incorporated for making your property resistant to the impacts of wind- Hedgerows or trees that are strewn about a space Hedges and trees provide a natural landscaping that is visually pleasing. But at the same time, they can also help reduce wind speed around corners, at ground levels and elevations. Dense planting Wind accelerations can be reduced significantly by incorporating dense planting through large stationary planters. This method, which employs a mix of shrubs and small trees, is useful in mitigating the effects of funneling. Edge screens for balcony For deep elevated terraces which are susceptible to heavy upwashing, edge screens for balconies can be employed. This method won’t help in the event when the